Source code for transit

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module is used to compute a grid containing drawing of disks of stars,
planets and atmospheres.

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.special import voigt_profile
from scipy.integrate import trapz
from flatstar import draw, utils

__all__ = ["draw_transit", "radiative_transfer_2d", "profile_los",

# Draw a grid
[docs] def draw_transit(planet_to_star_ratio, planet_physical_radius, impact_parameter=0.0, phase=0.0, grid_size=100, supersampling=None, resample_method=None, limb_darkening_law=None, ld_coefficient=None): """ Calculate a normalized transit map. Additionally, calculate two-dimensional arrays of density and line-of-sight radial velocities around the planet. Parameters ---------- planet_to_star_ratio : ``float`` Ratio between the radii of the planet and the star. planet_physical_radius : ``float`` Physical radius of the planet in whatever unit you want to work with. impact_parameter : ``float``, optional Transit impact parameter of the planet (not the atmosphere). Default is 0.0. phase : ``float``, optional Phase of the transit. -0.5, 0.0, and +0.5 correspond to the center of planet being located at, respectively, the left limb of the star, the center, and the right limb. Default is 0.0. grid_size : ``int``, optional Size of the transit grid. Default is 100. supersampling : ``float`` or ``None``, optional In order to avoid pixels with hard edges, it is useful to first compute the transit grid at a high resolution and then downscale it to a manageable grid size. Supersampling is the factor by which to increase the grid size at first and then downscale to the requested grid size. If ``None``, no supersampling is applied. Default is ``None``. resample_method : ``str`` or ``None``, optional Method by which to resample the image if supersampling is used. If ``None``, then fallback to a "box" method. Available methods are ``"nearest"``, ``"box"``, ``"bilinear"``, ``"hamming"`` and ``"lanczos"`` (the last two are not recommended for research-grade results. Default is ``None``. limb_darkening_law : ``None`` or ``str``, optional String with the name of the limb-darkening law. The options are the same currently implemented in the code ``flatstar``: ``'linear'``, ``'quadratic'``, ``'square-root'``, ``'log'``, ``'exp'``, ``'s3'``, ``'c4'``, or ``None`` (no limb-darkening). Default is ``None``. ld_coefficient : ``float`` or ``array-like`` In case of a linear limb-darkening law, the value of the coefficient should be a float. In all other options it should be array-like. Default is ``None``. Returns ------- normalized_intensity_map : ``numpy.ndarray`` 2-D map of intensity normalized in such a way that the sum of the array will be 1.0 if the planet is not transiting. transit_depth : ``float`` Absorption caused by the opaque disk of the planet in the specified transit configuration. r_from_planet : ``numpy.ndarray`` 2-D map of radial distances of each pixel from the center of the planet in the same unit as ``planet_physical_radius``. """ if supersampling is not None: effective_grid_size = int(round(grid_size * supersampling)) rescaling = 1 / supersampling else: effective_grid_size = grid_size rescaling = None star_grid =, limb_darkening_law=limb_darkening_law, ld_coefficient=ld_coefficient) transit_grid = draw.planet_transit(star_grid, planet_to_star_ratio, impact_parameter, phase, rescaling_factor=rescaling, resample_method=resample_method) # We will calculate the densities and wind radial velocities of the # upper atmosphere. We need to know the matrix r_p containing distances from # planet center when we draw the extended atmosphere pl_ref = transit_grid.planet_px_coordinates planet_centric_r = utils.cylindrical_r(transit_grid.intensity, pl_ref) # We also need to know the physical size of the pixel in the grid planet_radius = transit_grid.planet_radius_px px_size = planet_physical_radius / planet_radius r_from_planet = planet_centric_r * px_size # Finally normalized_intensity_map = transit_grid.intensity transit_depth = transit_grid.transit_depth return normalized_intensity_map, transit_depth, r_from_planet
# Calculate the radiative transfer
[docs] def radiative_transfer_2d(intensity_0, r_from_planet, radius_profile, density_profile, velocity_profile, central_wavelength, oscillator_strength, einstein_coefficient, wavelength_grid, gas_temperature, particle_mass, bulk_los_velocity=0.0, planet_radial_velocity=0.0, wind_broadening_method='average', z_grid_size=200, turbulence_broadening=False): """ Calculate the absorbed intensity profile in a wavelength grid. Parameters ---------- intensity_0 : ``float`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` Original flux intensity originating from a background illuminating source. If ``numpy.ndarray``, must have the same shape as ``r_from_planet``. r_from_planet : ``numpy.ndarray`` 2-D map of radial distances of each pixel from the center of the planet. The unit has to be consistent with the other input parameters. E.g., if you use unit of meters, all other input parameters with length in the unit also have to be in meters. radius_profile : ``numpy.ndarray`` 1-D profile of radii in which the densities are sampled. Unit has to be the same as ``r_from_planet``. density_profile : ``numpy.ndarray`` 1-D profile of volumetric number densities in function of radius. Unit has to be 1 / length ** 3, where length is the same unit as ``r_from_planet``. velocity_profile : ``numpy.ndarray`` 1-D profile of velocities in function of radius. Unit has to be m / s. central_wavelength : ``float`` or ``array_like`` Central wavelength of the transition in unit of m. If more than one line is to be calculated, then input this parameter as an array-like object. oscillator_strength : ``float`` Oscillator strength of the transition. The format or shape of this input parameter needs to be consistent with that of ``central_wavelength``. einstein_coefficient : ``float`` Einstein coefficient of the transition in 1 / s. The format or shape of this input parameter needs to be consistent with that of ``central_wavelength``. wavelength_grid : ``numpy.ndarray`` Wavelengths to calculate the profile in unit of m. gas_temperature : ``float`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` 1-D profile of temperatures in function of radius. Unit has to be K. If defined as ``float``, then the model assumes isothermal gas. particle_mass : ``float`` Mass of the particle corresponding to the transition in unit of kg. bulk_los_velocity : ``float``, optional Bulk velocity of the gas cell in the line of sight in unit of m / s. Default is 0.0. planet_radial_velocity : ``float``, optional Radial velocity (i.e., the component in the line of sight) of the planet in relation to the rest frame of the host star and in unit of m / s. Default is 0.0. wind_broadening_method : ``str``, optional Method of calculation for the wind broadening. There are two options: 1) ``'formal'``: the formal definition of radiative transfer taking into account the full dimensionality of the wind (slower); 2) ``'average'``: assumes the Parker wind broadening contributes to the Gaussian term of the Voigt profile with an additive factor proportional to the square of the density-averaged, line-of-sight velocity (faster). z_grid_size : ``int``, optional Grid size for the line of sight direction. This is used only if ``wind_broadening_method`` is set to ``'formal'``. Default is 200. turbulence_broadening : ``bool``, optional If ``True``, adds a turbulence broadening, defined as in Lampón et al. 2020, to the Gaussian term of the Voigt profile. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- intensity : ``numpy.ndarray`` Absorbed intensity profile in function of ``wavelength_grid``. """ # First, calculate the optical depth in function of radial distance from the # planet and the wavelength optical_depth_profile = optical_depth_2d( radius_profile, density_profile, velocity_profile, central_wavelength, oscillator_strength, einstein_coefficient, wavelength_grid, gas_temperature, particle_mass, z_grid_size, bulk_los_velocity, planet_radial_velocity, wind_broadening_method, turbulence_broadening ) # Now we interpolate the optical depths to each radius from the planet f = interp1d(radius_profile, optical_depth_profile, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) optical_depth_array = f(r_from_planet) # A bit of array-manipulation magic here to allow us to properly broadcast intensity_0 = np.reshape(intensity_0, np.shape(intensity_0) + (1,)) # Finally calculate the radiative transfer intensity = np.sum(intensity_0 * np.exp(-optical_depth_array), axis=(0, 1)) return intensity
# Density and velocity profiles in the line of sight
[docs] def profile_los(radius_profile, density_profile, velocity_profile, z_grid_size, temperature_profile=None): """ Calculate the profiles of radius and line-of-sight velocities in function of sky-projected radial distance from the planet (axis 0) and the line of sight direction (axis 1). Parameters ---------- radius_profile : ``numpy.ndarray`` 1-D profile of radii in which the densities are sampled, in whatever unit you want to work with. density_profile : ``numpy.ndarray`` 1-D profile of volumetric number densities in function of radius, in whatever unit you want to work with. velocity_profile : ``numpy.ndarray`` 1-D profile of velocities in function of radius, in whatever unit you want to work with. z_grid_size : ``int``, optional Grid size for the line of sight direction. temperature_profile : ``numpy.ndarray``, optional 1-D profile of temperatures in function of radius, in whatever unit you want to work with. If ``None``, then the code assumes isothermal temperature. Default is ``None``. Returns ------- los_density_r_z : ``numpy.ndarray`` 2-D map of densities in the x- and z-axis distances from the center of the planet. los_velocity_r_z : ``numpy.ndarray`` 2-D map of line-of-sight velocities in the x- and z-axis distances from the center of the planet. """ # Create a two-dimensional array that measures the distance from the planet # The second dimension is the line-of-sight direction. r_top_atm = radius_profile[-1] los_z = np.linspace(-r_top_atm, r_top_atm, z_grid_size) # Maybe in the future implement z in log-space instead of linear space coordinates = np.array(np.meshgrid(radius_profile, los_z)) distances = np.sum(coordinates ** 2, axis=0) ** 0.5 # The line-of-sight wind velocity is given by Eq. 6 in Seidel et al. # (2020) # ( f_v = interp1d(radius_profile, velocity_profile, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) v_vertical = f_v(distances) # We need to add one dimension to `z` to allow for proper array broadcasting z_expanded = np.expand_dims(los_z, axis=1) los_velocity_r_z = v_vertical * z_expanded / \ (z_expanded ** 2 + radius_profile ** 2) ** 0.5 # Calculate the line-of-sight density d_v = interp1d(radius_profile, density_profile, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) los_density_r_z = d_v(distances) if temperature_profile is not None: # Calculate the line-of-sight temperature t_v = interp1d(radius_profile, temperature_profile, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) los_temperature_r_z = t_v(distances) return los_density_r_z, los_velocity_r_z, los_temperature_r_z, los_z else: return los_density_r_z, los_velocity_r_z, los_z
# Optical depth in function of cylindrical radius from the planet and # wavelength. Hold on to your hat because this code is very complex.
[docs] def optical_depth_2d(radius_profile, density_profile, velocity_profile, central_wavelength, oscillator_strength, einstein_coefficient, wavelength_grid, gas_temperature, particle_mass, z_grid_size, bulk_los_velocity=0.0, planet_radial_velocity=0.0, wind_broadening_method='average', turbulence_broadening=False): """ Calculate the optical depth in function of cylindrical radius from the planet and the wavelength. Parameters ---------- radius_profile : ``numpy.ndarray`` 1-D profile of radii in which the densities are sampled. Unit has to be consistent with the other input parameters involving lenghts and densities. density_profile : ``numpy.ndarray`` 1-D profile of volumetric number densities in function of radius. Unit has to be 1 / length ** 3, where length is the same unit as ``radius_profile``. velocity_profile : ``numpy.ndarray`` 1-D profile of velocities in function of radius. Unit has to be m / s. central_wavelength : ``float`` or ``array_like`` Central wavelength of the transition in unit of m. If more than one line is to be calculated, then input this parameter as an array-like object. oscillator_strength : ``float`` Oscillator strength of the transition. The format or shape of this input parameter needs to be consistent with that of ``central_wavelength``. einstein_coefficient : ``float`` Einstein coefficient of the transition in 1 / s. The format or shape of this input parameter needs to be consistent with that of ``central_wavelength``. wavelength_grid : ``numpy.ndarray`` Wavelengths to calculate the profile in unit of m. gas_temperature : ``float`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` 1-D profile of temperatures in function of radius. Unit has to be K. If defined as ``float``, then the model assumes isothermal gas. particle_mass : ``float`` Mass of the particle corresponding to the transition in unit of kg. z_grid_size : ``int`` Grid size for the line of sight direction. bulk_los_velocity : ``float``, optional Bulk velocity of the gas cell in the line of sight in unit of m / s. Default is 0.0. planet_radial_velocity : ``float``, optional Radial velocity (i.e., the component in the line of sight) of the planet in relation to the rest frame of the host star and in unit of m / s. Default is 0.0. wind_broadening_method : ``str``, optional Method of calculation for the wind broadening. There are two options: 1) ``'formal'``: the formal definition of radiative transfer taking into account the full dimensionality of the wind (slower); 2) ``'average'``: assumes the Parker wind broadening contributes to the Gaussian term of the Voigt profile with an additive factor proportional to the square of the density-averaged, line-of-sight velocity (faster). turbulence_broadening : ``bool``, optional If ``True``, adds a turbulence broadening, defined as in Lampón et al. 2020, to the Gaussian term of the Voigt profile. Only used if ``wind_broadening_method`` is set to ``'average'``. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- optical_depth_array : ``numpy.ndarray`` Optical depth in function of radial distance from the center of the planet (axis 0) and in function of wavelength (axis 1). """ # Calculate density, velocity profiles and, if necessary, temperature # profile in the line of sight if isinstance(gas_temperature, float) or isinstance(gas_temperature, int): density_los, velocity_los, z_los = \ profile_los(radius_profile, density_profile, velocity_profile, z_grid_size) spatial_shape = np.shape(density_los) temp = gas_temperature elif isinstance(gas_temperature, np.ndarray): density_los, velocity_los, temperature_los, z_los = \ profile_los(radius_profile, density_profile, velocity_profile, z_grid_size=z_grid_size, temperature_profile=gas_temperature) temp = temperature_los else: raise ValueError('`gas_temperature` has to be either `float` or ' '`np.ndarray`.') # Spectral line properties w0 = central_wavelength # Reference wavelength in m f = oscillator_strength # Unit-less a_ij = einstein_coefficient # In unit of 1 / s # Transform `w0`, `f` and `a_ij` into arrays if they are not already arrays if isinstance(w0, float): w0 = np.array([w0, ]) f = np.array([f, ]) a_ij = np.array([a_ij, ]) elif isinstance(w0, list): w0 = np.array(w0) f = np.array(f) a_ij = np.array(a_ij) elif isinstance(w0, np.ndarray): pass else: raise ValueError('The spectral line properties must be float, list or' ' numpy.ndarray, and their format must be consistent' ' with each other.') # Some necessary book-keeping here n_lines = len(w0) wl_grid = wavelength_grid c_speed = 2.99792458e+08 # Speed of light in m / s k_b = 1.380649e-23 # Boltzmann's constant in J / K nu0 = c_speed / w0 # Reference frequency in Hz nu_grid_rest = c_speed / wl_grid v_bulk = bulk_los_velocity rv_planet = planet_radial_velocity mass = particle_mass # Change the shape of `nu_grid_rest` to allow for proper array broadcasting nu_grid_rest = np.reshape(nu_grid_rest, (len(nu_grid_rest), 1)) # For each line we calculate the grid of frequency shifts from the central # frequency delta_nu = (nu_grid_rest - nu0).T # Cross-section k = 2.654008854574474e-06 # Physical constant in units of m ** 2 * Hz sigma = k * f # This is convoluted, but we create a nested function to calculate the # optical depth divided by the cross-section (i.e. normalized optical depth) def _normalized_optical_depth(delta_nu_grid, nu0_k, a_ij_k, _method=wind_broadening_method): # Calculate the Lorentzian width of the Voigt profile gamma = a_ij_k / 4 / np.pi # Formal calculation of optical depth (slower) if _method == 'formal': # Calculate Doppler width (standard deviation) of the Voigt profile alpha_nu = \ nu0_k / c_speed * (k_b * temp / mass) ** 0.5 # Calculate the frequency shifts due to wind and bulk motion delta_nu_wind = (velocity_los + v_bulk + rv_planet) / c_speed * nu0_k delta_nu_add = np.reshape(delta_nu_wind, spatial_shape + (1,)) # Faster calculation of optical depth: We assume that the Parker wind # broadening has a Gaussian shape. To this end, we take a wind velocity # and add it quadratically to the Gaussian broadening term of the Voigt # profile. elif _method == 'average': # Calculate the wind broadening velocity as the density-averaged # line-of-sight velocity of the Parker wind weights = density_los wind_broadening_velocity = \ (np.sum(velocity_los ** 2 * weights) / np.sum(weights)) ** 0.5 if isinstance(temp, np.ndarray): average_temp = np.sum(temp * weights) / np.sum(weights) elif isinstance(temp, float) or isinstance(temp, int): average_temp = temp if turbulence_broadening is True: # Similar to Lampon et al. (2020), calculate the broadening # as the turbulent velocity = sqrt(5/3 * kT / 2m) turbulence_velocity = np.sqrt(5 / 6 * k_b * average_temp / mass) else: turbulence_velocity = 0.0 # Calculate Doppler width of the Voigt profile alpha_nu = nu0_k / c_speed * (k_b * average_temp / mass + wind_broadening_velocity ** 2 + turbulence_velocity ** 2) ** 0.5 # Frequency shift due to bulk line-of-sight velocity (not to be # confused with the Parker wind velocity). delta_nu_add = (v_bulk + rv_planet) / c_speed * nu0_k else: raise ValueError('The chosen ``wind_broadening_method`` is not ' 'implemented.') # Finally calculate the Voigt profiles profiles = voigt_profile(delta_nu_grid + delta_nu_add, alpha_nu, gamma) # Calculate the optical depths divided by the cross section density_expanded = np.expand_dims(density_los, axis=-1) opt_depth_over_cross_section_r_nu = \ trapz(profiles * density_expanded, z_los, axis=0) return opt_depth_over_cross_section_r_nu # Calculate the optical depth for each line optical_depth_list = [] for i in range(n_lines): norm_opt_depth = _normalized_optical_depth( delta_nu_grid=delta_nu[i], nu0_k=nu0[i], a_ij_k=a_ij[i] ) optical_depth_i = norm_opt_depth * sigma[i] optical_depth_list.append(optical_depth_i) optical_depth_array = np.array(optical_depth_list) optical_depth_array = np.sum(optical_depth_array, axis=0) return optical_depth_array