Source code for hydrogen

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module computes the neutral and ionized populations of H in the
upper atmosphere.

from __future__ import (division, print_function, absolute_import,
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as c
from scipy.integrate import simps, solve_ivp, cumtrapz
from p_winds import parker, tools, microphysics

__all__ = ["radiative_processes_exact", "radiative_processes",
           "radiative_processes_mono", "recombination", "ion_fraction"]

# Exact calculation of hydrogen photoionization
[docs] def radiative_processes_exact(spectrum_at_planet, r_grid, density, f_h_r, h_fraction, f_he_r=None): """ Calculate the photoionization rate of hydrogen as a function of radius based on the EUV spectrum arriving at the planet and the neutral H density profile. Parameters ---------- spectrum_at_planet : ``dict`` Spectrum of the host star arriving at the planet covering fluxes at least up to the wavelength corresponding to the energy to ionize hydrogen (13.6 eV, or 911.65 Angstrom). r_grid : ``numpy.ndarray`` Radius grid for the calculation, in units of cm. density : ``numpy.ndarray`` Total density profile for the atmosphere, in units of g / cm ** 3. f_h_r : ``numpy.ndarray`` or ``float`` H ion fraction profile for the atmosphere. h_fraction : ``float`` Hydrogen number fraction of the outflow. f_he_r : ``numpy.ndarray`` or ``float`` or ``None`` He ion fraction profile for the atmosphere. If ``None``, then assume that the profile is the same as ``f_h_r``. Returns ------- phi_prime : ``float`` Ionization rate of hydrogen for each point on r_grid in unit of 1 / s. """ wavelength = (spectrum_at_planet['wavelength'] * spectrum_at_planet['wavelength_unit']).to(u.angstrom).value flux_lambda = (spectrum_at_planet['flux_lambda'] * spectrum_at_planet[ 'flux_unit']).to(u.erg / u.s / ** 2 / u.angstrom).value energy = (c.h * c.c).to(u.erg * u.angstrom).value / wavelength # Wavelength corresponding to the energy to ionize H wl_break = 911.65 # angstrom # Index of the lambda_0 in the wavelength array i_break = tools.nearest_index(wavelength, wl_break) # Auxiliary definitions wavelength_cut = wavelength[:i_break + 1] flux_lambda_cut = flux_lambda[:i_break + 1] energy_cut = energy[:i_break + 1] # 2d grid of radius and wavelength xx, yy = np.meshgrid(wavelength_cut, r_grid) # Photoionization cross-section in function of wavelength a_lambda = microphysics.hydrogen_cross_section(wavelength=xx) # Optical depth to hydrogen photoionization m_h = 1.67262192E-24 # Proton mass in unit of g r_grid_temp = r_grid[::-1] # We assume that the atmosphere is made of only H + He he_fraction = 1 - h_fraction f_he_to_h = he_fraction / h_fraction mu = (1 + 4 * f_he_to_h) / (1 + f_h_r + f_he_to_h) n_tot = density / mu / m_h n_htot = 1 / (1 + f_h_r + f_he_to_h) * n_tot n_h = n_htot * (1 - f_h_r) n_hetot = n_htot * f_he_to_h if f_he_r is None: n_he = n_hetot * (1 - f_h_r) # Here we assume that the ion fraction of # He is the same as H, which may not always be correct else: n_he = n_hetot * (1 - f_he_r) # This is more correct n_h_temp = n_h[::-1] column_h = cumtrapz(n_h_temp, r_grid_temp, initial=0) column_density_h = -column_h[::-1] tau_rnu = column_density_h[:, None] * a_lambda # Optical depth to helium photoionization n_he_temp = n_he[::-1] column_he = cumtrapz(n_he_temp, r_grid_temp, initial=0) column_density_he = -column_he[::-1] a_lambda_he = microphysics.helium_total_cross_section(wavelength=xx) tau_rnu += column_density_he[:, None] * a_lambda_he # Finally calculate the photoionization rate phi_prime = abs(simps(flux_lambda_cut * a_lambda / energy_cut * np.exp(-tau_rnu), wavelength_cut, axis=-1)) return phi_prime
# Stellar flux-average calculation of hydrogen photoionization
[docs] def radiative_processes(spectrum_at_planet): """ Calculate the photoionization rate of hydrogen at null optical depth based on the EUV spectrum arriving at the planet. Parameters ---------- spectrum_at_planet : ``dict`` Spectrum of the host star arriving at the planet covering fluxes at least up to the wavelength corresponding to the energy to ionize hydrogen (13.6 eV, or 911.65 Angstrom). Returns ------- phi : ``float`` Ionization rate of hydrogen at null optical depth in unit of 1 / s. a_0 : ``float`` Flux-averaged photoionization cross-section of hydrogen in unit of cm ** 2. """ wavelength = (spectrum_at_planet['wavelength'] * spectrum_at_planet['wavelength_unit']).to(u.angstrom).value flux_lambda = (spectrum_at_planet['flux_lambda'] * spectrum_at_planet[ 'flux_unit']).to(u.erg / u.s / ** 2 / u.angstrom).value energy = (c.h * c.c).to(u.erg * u.angstrom).value / wavelength # Wavelength corresponding to the energy to ionize H wl_break = 911.65 # angstrom # Index of the lambda_0 in the wavelength array i_break = tools.nearest_index(wavelength, wl_break) # Auxiliary definitions wavelength_cut = wavelength[:i_break + 1] flux_lambda_cut = flux_lambda[:i_break + 1] energy_cut = energy[:i_break + 1] # Photoionization cross-section in function of wavelength a_lambda = microphysics.hydrogen_cross_section(wavelength=wavelength_cut) # Flux-averaged photoionization cross-section # Note: For some reason the Simpson's rule implementation of ``scipy`` may # yield negative results when the flux varies by a few orders of magnitude # at the edges of integration. So we take the absolute values of a_0 and phi a_0 = abs(simps(flux_lambda_cut * a_lambda, wavelength_cut) / simps(flux_lambda_cut, wavelength_cut)) # Finally calculate the photoionization rate phi = abs(simps(flux_lambda_cut * a_lambda / energy_cut, wavelength_cut)) return phi, a_0
# Hydrogen photoionization if you have only a monochromatic channel flux
[docs] def radiative_processes_mono(flux_euv, average_photon_energy=20.): """ Calculate the photoionization rate of hydrogen at null optical depth based on the monochromatic EUV flux arriving at the planet. Parameters ---------- flux_euv : ``float`` Monochromatic extreme-ultraviolet (0 - 912 Angstrom) flux arriving at the planet in unit of erg / s / cm ** 2. average_photon_energy : ``float``, optional Average energy of the photons ionizing H in unit of eV. Default is 20 eV (as in Murray-Clay et al 2009, Allan & Vidotto 2019). Returns ------- phi : ``float`` Ionization rate of hydrogen at null optical depth in unit of 1 / s. a_0 : ``float`` Flux-averaged photoionization cross-section of hydrogen in unit of cm ** 2. """ # Average cross-section a_0 = 6.3E-18 * (average_photon_energy / 13.6) ** (-3) # Unit 1 / cm ** 2. # Monochromatic ionization rate flux_euv *= 6.24150907E+11 # Convert erg to eV phi = flux_euv * a_0 / average_photon_energy return phi, a_0
# Case-B hydrogen recombination
[docs] def recombination(temperature): """ Calculates the case-B hydrogen recombination rate for a gas at a certain temperature. Parameters ---------- temperature : ``float`` Isothermal temperature of the upper atmosphere in unit of Kelvin. Returns ------- alpha_rec : ``float`` Recombination rate of hydrogen in units of cm ** 3 / s. """ alpha_rec = 2.59E-13 * (temperature / 1E4) ** (-0.7) return alpha_rec
# Fraction of ionized hydrogen vs. radius profile
[docs] def ion_fraction(radius_profile, planet_radius, temperature, h_fraction, mass_loss_rate, planet_mass, mean_molecular_weight_0=1.0, star_mass=1.0, semimajor_axis=1.0, spectrum_at_planet=None, flux_euv=None, initial_f_ion=0.0, relax_solution=False, convergence=0.01, max_n_relax=10, exact_phi=False, return_mu=False, return_rates=False, **options_solve_ivp): """ Calculate the fraction of ionized hydrogen in the upper atmosphere in function of the radius in unit of planetary radius. Parameters ---------- radius_profile : ``numpy.ndarray`` Radius in unit of planetary radii. planet_radius : ``float`` Planetary radius in unit of Jupiter radius. temperature : ``float`` Isothermal temperature of the upper atmosphere in unit of Kelvin. h_fraction : ``float`` Total (ion + neutral) H number fraction of the atmosphere. mass_loss_rate : ``float`` Mass loss rate of the planet in units of g / s. planet_mass : ``float`` Planetary mass in unit of Jupiter mass. mean_molecular_weight_0 : ``float`` Initial mean molecular weight of the atmosphere in unit of proton mass. Default value is 1.0 (100% neutral H). Since its final value depend on the H ion fraction itself, the mean molecular weight can be self-consistently calculated by setting `relax_solution` to `True`. star_mass : ``float``, optional Stellar mass in units of M_sun, needed for the tidal gravity calculation. Default is 1. semimajor_axis : ``float``, optional Planetary semimajor axis in units of au, needed for the tidal gravity calculation. Default is 1 (so the tidal gravity correction is minimal by default). spectrum_at_planet : ``dict``, optional Spectrum of the host star arriving at the planet covering fluxes at least up to the wavelength corresponding to the energy to ionize hydrogen (13.6 eV, or 911.65 Angstrom). Can be generated using ``tools.make_spectrum_dict``. If ``None``, then ``flux_euv`` must be provided instead. Default is ``None``. flux_euv : ``float``, optional Extreme-ultraviolet (0-911.65 Angstrom) flux arriving at the planet in units of erg / s / cm ** 2. If ``None``, then ``spectrum_at_planet`` must be provided instead. Default is ``None``. initial_f_ion : ``float``, optional The initial ionization fraction at the layer near the surface of the planet. Default is 0.0, i.e., 100% neutral. relax_solution : ``bool``, optional The first solution is calculating by initially assuming the entire atmosphere is in neutral state. If ``True``, the solution will be re-calculated in a loop until it converges to a delta_f of 1%, or for a maximum of 10 loops (default parameters). Default is ``False``. convergence : ``float``, optional Value of delta_f at which to stop the relaxation of the solution for ``f_r``. Default is 0.01. max_n_relax : ``int``, optional Maximum number of loops to perform the relaxation of the solution for ``f_r``. Default is 10. exact_phi : ``bool``, optional If set to ``True``, the H photoionization is calculated exactly (using the ``radiative_processes_exact()`` function). If set to ``False``, then calculate it using an approximation with ``radiative_processes()``. Default value is ``False``. return_mu : ``bool``, optional If ``True``, then this function returns a second variable ``mu_bar``, which is the self-consistent, density-averaged mean molecular weight of the atmosphere. Equivalent to the ``mu_bar`` of Eq. A.3 in Lampón et al. 2020. return_rates : ``bool``, optional If ``True``, then this function also returns a ``dict`` object containing the rates of photoionization and recombination in function of radius and in units of 1 / s. Default is ``False``. **options_solve_ivp: Options to be passed to the ``scipy.integrate.solve_ivp()`` solver. You may want to change the options ``method`` (integration method; default is ``'RK45'``), ``atol`` (absolute tolerance; default is 1E-6) or ``rtol`` (relative tolerance; default is 1E-3). If you are having numerical issues, you may want to decrease the tolerance by a factor of 10 or 100, or 1000 in extreme cases. Returns ------- f_r : ``numpy.ndarray`` Values of the fraction of ionized hydrogen in function of the radius. mu_bar : ``float`` Mean molecular weight of the atmosphere, in unit of proton mass, averaged across the radial distance using according to the function `average_molecular_weight` in the `parker` module. Only returned when ``return_mu`` is set to ``True``. rates : ``dict`` Dictionary containing the rates of photoionization and recombination in function of radius and in units of 1 / s. Only returned when ``return_rates`` is set to ``True``. """ # Hydrogen recombination rate alpha_rec = recombination(temperature) # Hydrogen mass in g m_h = 1.67262192E-24 # Photoionization rate at null optical depth at the distance of the planet # from the host star, in unit of 1 / s. vs = parker.sound_speed(temperature, mean_molecular_weight_0) rs = parker.radius_sonic_point_tidal(planet_mass, vs, star_mass, semimajor_axis) if exact_phi and spectrum_at_planet is not None: rhos = parker.density_sonic_point(mass_loss_rate, rs, vs) _, rho_norm = parker.structure_tidal( radius_profile * planet_radius / rs, vs, rs, planet_mass, star_mass, semimajor_axis) f_outer = 0.0 # Assume completely ionized at the top of atmosphere phi_abs = radiative_processes_exact( spectrum_at_planet, (radius_profile * planet_radius * u.Rjup).to(, rho_norm * rhos, f_outer, h_fraction) a_0 = 0. elif spectrum_at_planet is not None: phi_abs, a_0 = radiative_processes(spectrum_at_planet) elif flux_euv is not None: phi_abs, a_0 = radiative_processes_mono(flux_euv) else: raise ValueError('Either `spectrum_at_planet` or `flux_euv` must be ' 'provided.') # Multiplicative factor of Eq. 11 of Oklopcic & Hirata 2018, unit of # cm ** 2 / g # We assume that the remaining of the number fraction is pure He he_fraction = 1 - h_fraction he_h_fraction = he_fraction / h_fraction k1_abs = h_fraction * a_0 / (h_fraction + 4 * he_fraction) / m_h # Multiplicative factor of the second term in the right-hand side of Eq. # 13 of Oklopcic & Hirata 2018, unit of cm ** 3 / s / g k2_abs = h_fraction / (h_fraction + 4 * he_fraction) * alpha_rec / m_h # In order to avoid numerical overflows, we need to normalize a few key # variables. Since the normalization may need to be repeated to relax the # solution, we have a function to do it. def _normalize(_phi, _k1, _k2, _r, _mu): # First calculate the sound speed, radius at the sonic point and the # density at the sonic point. They will be useful to change the units of # the calculation aiming to avoid numerical overflows _vs = parker.sound_speed(temperature, _mu) _rs = parker.radius_sonic_point_tidal(planet_mass, _vs, star_mass, semimajor_axis) _rhos = parker.density_sonic_point(mass_loss_rate, _rs, _vs) # And now normalize everything phi_unit = _vs * 1E5 / _rs / 7.1492E+09 # 1 / s phi_norm = _phi / phi_unit k1_unit = 1 / (_rhos * _rs * 7.1492E+09) # cm ** 2 / g k1_norm = _k1 / k1_unit k2_unit = _vs * 1E5 / _rs / 7.1492E+09 / _rhos # cm ** 3 / g / s k2_norm = _k2 / k2_unit r_norm = (_r * planet_radius / _rs) # The differential r will be useful at some point dr_norm = np.diff(r_norm) dr_norm = np.concatenate((dr_norm, np.array([dr_norm[-1], ]))) # The structure of the atmosphere v_norm, rho_norm = parker.structure_tidal(r_norm, _vs, _rs, planet_mass, star_mass, semimajor_axis) return phi_norm, k1_norm, k2_norm, r_norm, dr_norm, v_norm, rho_norm phi, k1, k2, r, dr, velocity, density = _normalize( phi_abs, k1_abs, k2_abs, radius_profile, mean_molecular_weight_0) if exact_phi is False: # To start the calculations we need the optical depth, but technically # we don't know it yet, because it depends on the ion fraction in the # atmosphere, which is what we want to obtain. However, the optical # depth depends more strongly on the densities of H than the ion # fraction, so a good first approximation is to assume the whole # atmosphere is neutral at first. column_density = np.flip(np.cumsum(np.flip(dr * density))) tau = k1 * column_density else: pass # Now let's solve the differential eq. 13 of Oklopcic & Hirata 2018 # The differential equation in function of r def _fun(_r, _f, _phi, _k2): if exact_phi: _phi_prime = np.interp(_r, r, phi) else: _t = np.interp(_r, r, tau) _phi_prime = np.exp(-_t) * _phi # The next two lines may need to be substituted by `structure_tidal()` # instead of interpolated _v = np.interp(_r, r, velocity) _rho = np.interp(_r, r, density) # In terms 1 and 2 we use the values of k2 and phi from above term1 = (1. - _f) / _v * _phi_prime term2 = _k2 * _rho * _f ** 2 / _v df_dr = term1 - term2 return df_dr # We solve it using `scipy.solve_ivp` sol = solve_ivp(_fun, (r[0], r[-1],), np.array([initial_f_ion, ]), t_eval=r, args=(phi, k2,), **options_solve_ivp) f_r = sol['y'][0] # When `solve_ivp` has problems, it may return an array with different # size than `r`. So we raise an exception if this happens if len(f_r) != len(r): raise RuntimeError('The solver ``solve_ivp`` failed to obtain a' ' solution.') # Calculate the average mean molecular weight using Eq. A.3 from Lampón et # al. 2020 mu_bar = parker.average_molecular_weight(f_r, radius_profile * planet_radius, velocity * vs, planet_mass, temperature, he_h_fraction) # For the sake of self-consistency, there is the option of repeating the # calculation of f_r by updating the optical depth with the new ion # fractions. if relax_solution is True: for i in range(max_n_relax): previous_f_r = np.copy(f_r) if exact_phi: # phi_abs will need to be recomputed here with the new density # structure vs = parker.sound_speed(temperature, mu_bar) rs = parker.radius_sonic_point_tidal(planet_mass, vs, star_mass, semimajor_axis) rhos = parker.density_sonic_point(mass_loss_rate, rs, vs) _, rho_norm = parker.structure_tidal( radius_profile * planet_radius / rs, vs, rs, planet_mass, star_mass, semimajor_axis) phi_abs = radiative_processes_exact( spectrum_at_planet, (radius_profile * planet_radius * u.Rjup).to(, rho_norm * rhos, f_r, h_fraction) # We re-normalize key parameters because the newly-calculated f_ion # changes the value of the mean molecular weight of the atmosphere phi, k1, k2, r, dr, velocity, density = _normalize( phi_abs, k1_abs, k2_abs, radius_profile, mu_bar) if exact_phi is False: # Re-calculate the column densities column_density = np.flip(np.cumsum(np.flip(dr * density * (1 - f_r)))) tau = k1 * column_density # And solve it again sol = solve_ivp(_fun, (r[0], r[-1],), np.array([initial_f_ion, ]), t_eval=r, args=(phi, k2,), **options_solve_ivp) f_r = sol['y'][0] # Raise an error if the length of `f_r` is different from the length # of `r` if len(f_r) != len(r): raise RuntimeError('The solver ``solve_ivp`` failed to obtain a' ' solution.') # Here we update the average mean molecular weight mu_bar = parker.average_molecular_weight( f_r, radius_profile * planet_radius, velocity * vs, planet_mass, temperature, he_h_fraction ) # Calculate the relative change of f_ion in the outer shell of the # atmosphere (where we expect the most important change) # relative_delta_f = abs(f_r[-1] - previous_f_r_outer_layer) \ # / previous_f_r_outer_layer relative_delta_f = abs( np.sum(f_r - previous_f_r) / np.sum(previous_f_r)) # Break the loop if convergence is achieved if relative_delta_f < convergence: break else: pass else: pass # Calculate the final structure and rates of photoionization and # recombination in function of radius if return_rates is True: # Final photoionization rate in unit of 1 / s final_phi_prime = radiative_processes_exact( spectrum_at_planet, (radius_profile * planet_radius * u.Rjup).to(, rho_norm * rhos, f_r, h_fraction) * (1 - f_r) # Final sound speed in km / s final_vs = parker.sound_speed(temperature, mu_bar) # Final radius at the sonic point in units of Jupiter radii final_rs = parker.radius_sonic_point_tidal(planet_mass, final_vs, star_mass, semimajor_axis) # Final density at the sonic point in unit of g / cm ** 3 final_rhos = parker.density_sonic_point(mass_loss_rate, final_rs, final_vs) # Final velocity and density profiles in units of sonic point final_r_norm = (radius_profile * planet_radius / final_rs) final_v_norm, final_rho_norm = parker.structure_tidal( final_r_norm, final_vs, final_rs, planet_mass, star_mass, semimajor_axis) # Final density profile in g / cm ** 3 final_rho = final_rho_norm * final_rhos # Final recombination rate in 1 / s final_alpha_rec = k2_abs * final_rho * f_r ** 2 rates = {'photoionization': final_phi_prime, 'recombination': final_alpha_rec} else: pass if return_mu is True and return_rates is False: return f_r, mu_bar elif return_mu is False and return_rates is True: return f_r, rates elif return_mu is True and return_rates is True: return f_r, mu_bar, rates else: return f_r