Source code for tools

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains useful tools to facilitate numerical calculations.

from __future__ import (division, print_function, absolute_import,
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import os
from warnings import warn
from import fits

__all__ = ["nearest_index", "standard_spectrum", "generate_muscles_spectrum",

# Find $PWINDS_REFSPEC_DIR environment variable
except KeyError:
    warn("Environment variable PWINDS_REFSPEC_DIR is not set.")

[docs] def nearest_index(array, target_value): """ Finds the index of a value in ``array`` that is closest to ``target_value``. Parameters ---------- array : ``numpy.array`` Target array. target_value : ``float`` Target value. Returns ------- index : ``int`` Index of the value in ``array`` that is closest to ``target_value``. """ index = array.searchsorted(target_value) index = np.clip(index, 1, len(array) - 1) left = array[index - 1] right = array[index] index -= target_value - left < right - target_value return index
[docs] def standard_spectrum(stellar_type, semi_major_axis, reference_spectra_dir=_PWINDS_REFSPEC_DIR, stellar_radius=None, truncate_wavelength_grid=False, cutoff_thresh=13.6): """ Construct a dictionary containing an input spectrum for a given spectral type. The code scales this to the spectrum received at your planet provided a value for the scaled ``semi_major_axis``. Spectrum of iota Horologii was kindly provided by Jorge Sanz-Forcada (priv. comm.). Spectrum of HD 108147 and HR 8799 were obtained from the X-exoplanets database and combined with PHOENIX atmosphere models for the NUV. Solar spectrum comes from the Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI) Reference Spectra obtained from the LASP Interactive Solar Irradiance Datacenter. All other spectra are from the MUSCLES survey. Parameters ---------- stellar_type : ``str`` Define the stellar type. The available options are: - ``'mid-A'`` (based on HR 8799) - ``'early-F'`` (based on WASP-17) - ``'late-F'`` (based on HD 108147) - ``'early-G'`` (based on HD 149026) - ``'solar'`` (based on the Sun) - ``'young-sun'`` (based on iota Horologii) - ``'late-G'`` (based on TOI-193) - ``'active-K'`` (based on epsilon Eridanii) - ``'early-K'`` (based on HD 97658) - ``'late-k'`` (based on WASP-43) - ``'active-M'`` (based on Proxima Centauri) - ``'early-M'`` (based on GJ 436) - ``'late-M'`` (based on TRAPPIST-1) semi_major_axis : ``float`` Semi-major axis of the planet in units of stellar radii. The code first converts the MUSCLES spectrum to what it would be at R_star; ``semi_major_axis`` is needed to get the spectrum at the planet. reference_spectra_dir : ``str``, optional Path to the directory with the MUSCLES data. Default value is defined by the environment variable ``$PWINDS_REFSPEC_DIR``. stellar_radius : ``float``, optional Stellar radius in unit of solar radii. Setting a value for this parameter allows the spectrum to be scaled to an arbitrary stellar radius instead of the radius of the MUSCLES star. If ``None``, then the scaling is performed using the radius of the MUSCLES star. Default is ``None``. truncate_wavelength_grid : ``bool``, optional If ``True``, will only return the spectrum with energy > 13.6 eV. This may be useful for computational expediency. If False, returns the whole spectrum. Default is ``False``. cutoff_thresh : ``float``, optional If ``truncate_wavelength_grid`` is set to ``True``, then the truncation happens for energies whose value in eV is above this threshold, also in eV. Default is ``13.6``. Returns ------- spectrum : ``dict`` Spectrum dictionary with entries for the wavelength and flux, and their units. """ muscles_match = {'early-A': None, 'late-A': None, 'early-F': 'wasp-17', 'late-F': None, 'early-G': 'hd-149026', 'late-G': 'toi-193', 'solar': None, 'young-Sun': None, 'active-K': 'v-eps-eri', 'early-K': 'hd97658', 'late-K': 'wasp-43', 'active-M': 'gj551', 'early-M': 'gj436', 'late-M': 'trappist-1'} try: spectrum = generate_muscles_spectrum(muscles_match[stellar_type], semi_major_axis, reference_spectra_dir, stellar_radius, truncate_wavelength_grid, cutoff_thresh) except KeyError: prefix = reference_spectra_dir # Check if prefix has a trailing forward slash if prefix[-1] == '/': pass # If not, add it else: prefix += '/' if stellar_type == 'solar': spectrum_array = np.loadtxt( prefix + 'ref_solar_irradiance_whi-2008_ver2.dat', skiprows=142, usecols=(0, 2)) i1 = nearest_index(spectrum_array[:, 0], 300) wavelength = (spectrum_array[:i1, 0] * u.nm).to(u.angstrom).value flux = (spectrum_array[:i1, 1] * u.W / u.m ** 2 / u.nm).to( u.erg / u.s / ** 2 / u.angstrom).value r_star_origin = 1.00 * u.solRad dist = 1 * elif stellar_type == 'young-Sun': spectrum_array = np.loadtxt(prefix + 'spec_hr810_1au.dat') wavelength = spectrum_array[:, 0] flux = spectrum_array[:, 1] r_star_origin = 1.00 * u.solRad # Assumption dist = 1 * elif stellar_type == 'mid-A': spectrum_array = np.loadtxt(prefix + 'spec_hr8799_1au.dat') wavelength = spectrum_array[:, 0] flux = spectrum_array[:, 1] r_star_origin = 1.44 * u.solRad # From Gaia DR2 for HR 8799 dist = 1 * elif stellar_type == 'late-F': spectrum_array = np.loadtxt(prefix + 'spec_hd108147_1au.dat') wavelength = spectrum_array[:, 0] flux = spectrum_array[:, 1] r_star_origin = 1.23 * u.solRad # From Gaia DR2 for HD 108147 dist = 1 * else: raise ValueError('Specified stellar type not recognized') if stellar_radius is None: r_star = r_star_origin else: r_star = stellar_radius * u.solRad conv = float((dist / r_star) ** 2) # conversion to # spectrum at R_star spectrum = {'wavelength': wavelength, 'flux_lambda': flux * conv * semi_major_axis ** (-2), 'wavelength_unit': u.AA, 'flux_unit': u.erg / u.s / / / u.AA} return spectrum
[docs] def generate_muscles_spectrum(host_star_name, semi_major_axis, reference_spectra_dir=_PWINDS_REFSPEC_DIR, stellar_radius=None, truncate_wavelength_grid=False, cutoff_thresh=13.6): """ Construct a dictionary containing an input spectrum from a MUSCLES spectrum. MUSCLES reports spectra as observed at Earth, the code scales this to the spectrum received at your planet provided a value for the scaled ``semi-major-axis``. Parameters ---------- host_star_name : ``str`` Name of the MUSCLES stellar spectrum you want to use. Must be one of: ['gj176', 'gj436', 'gj551', 'gj581', 'gj667c', 'gj832', 'gj876', 'gj1214', 'hd40307', 'hd85512', 'hd97658', 'v-eps-eri', 'gj1132', 'hat-p-12', 'hat-p-26', 'hd-149026', 'l-98-59', 'l-678-39', 'l-980-5', 'lhs-2686', 'lp-791-18', 'toi-193', 'trappist-1', 'wasp-17', 'wasp-43', 'wasp-77a', 'wasp-127']. semi_major_axis : ``float`` Semi-major axis of the planet in units of stellar radii. The code first converts the MUSCLES spectrum to what it would be at R_star; ``semi_major_axis`` is needed to get the spectrum at the planet. reference_spectra_dir : ``str``, optional Path to the directory with the reference spectra. Default value is defined by the environment variable ``$PWINDS_REFSPEC_DIR``. stellar_radius : ``float``, optional Stellar radius in unit of solar radii. Setting a value for this parameter allows the spectrum to be scaled to an arbitrary stellar radius instead of the radius of the MUSCLES star. If ``None``, then the scaling is performed using the radius of the MUSCLES star. Default is ``None``. truncate_wavelength_grid : ``bool``, optional If ``True``, will only return the spectrum with energy > 13.6 eV. This may be useful for computational expediency. If False, returns the whole spectrum. Default is ``False``. cutoff_thresh : ``float``, optional If ``truncate_wavelength_grid`` is set to ``True``, then the truncation happens for energies whose value in eV is above this threshold, also in eV. Default is ``13.6``. Returns ------- spectrum : ``dict`` Spectrum dictionary with entries for the wavelength and flux, and their units. """ # Hard coding some values # The stellar radii and distances are taken from NASA Exoplanet Archive. thresh = cutoff_thresh * u.eV stars = [ # Old ones 'gj176', 'gj436', 'gj551', 'gj581', 'gj667c', 'gj832', 'gj876', 'gj1214', 'hd40307', 'hd85512', 'hd97658', 'v-eps-eri', # New ones #'gj15a', 'gj163', 'gj649', 'gj674', 'gj676a', 'gj699', 'gj729', 'gj849', 'gj1132', 'hat-p-12', 'hat-p-26', 'hd-149026', 'l-98-59', 'l-678-39', 'l-980-5', 'lhs-2686', 'lp-791-18', 'toi-193', 'trappist-1', 'wasp-17', 'wasp-43', 'wasp-77a', 'wasp-127' ] versions = np.array([ # Old ones 'v22', 'v22', 'v22', 'v22', 'v22', 'v22', 'v22', 'v22', 'v22', 'v22', 'v22', 'v22', # New ones #'v23', 'v23', 'v23', 'v23', 'v23', 'v23', 'v23', 'v23', 'v23', 'v24', 'v24', 'v24', 'v24', 'v24', 'v23', 'v23', 'v24', 'v24', 'v23', 'v24', 'v24', 'v24', 'v24' ]) st_rads = np.array([ # Old ones 0.46, 0.449, 0.154, 0.3297020, 0.42, 0.45, 0.35, 0.22, 0.71, 0.69, 0.74, 0.77, # New ones # 0.21, 0.7, 0.87, 1.41, 0.3, 0.34, 0.22, # L 980-5 radius assumed to be the same as GJ 1214 0.449, # LHS 2686 radius assumed to be the same as GJ 436 0.18, 0.95, 0.12, 1.49, 0.6, 0.910, 1.33 ]) * u.solRad dists = np.array([ # Old ones 9.470450, 9.75321, 1.30119, 6.298100, 7.24396, 4.964350, 4.67517, 14.6427, 12.9363, 11.2810, 21.5618, 3.20260, # New ones #3.56244, 15.1353, 12.613, 142.751, 141.837, 75.8643, 10.6194, 9.44181, 13.3731, 12.1893, 26.4927, 80.4373, 12.4298888, 405.908, 86.7467, 105.6758, 159.507 ]) * u.pc muscles_dists = {starname: dist for starname, dist in zip(stars, dists)} muscles_rstars = {starname: st_rad for starname, st_rad in zip(stars, st_rads)} muscles_versions = {starname: versions for starname, versions in zip(stars, versions)} # MUSCLES records spectra as observed at earth, so we need to convert it to # spectrum at R_star. The user has the option of setting an arbitary stellar # radius instead of the MUSCLES star radius to allow for more flexibility. # This can be especially useful for slightly evolved stars, whose radius # are larger than the MUSCLES stars. dist = muscles_dists[host_star_name] vnumber = muscles_versions[host_star_name] if stellar_radius is None: rstar = muscles_rstars[host_star_name] else: rstar = stellar_radius * u.solRad conv = float((dist / rstar) ** 2) # conversion to spectrum at R_star # First check if reference_spectra_dir has a trailing forward slash if reference_spectra_dir[-1] == '/': pass # If not, add it else: reference_spectra_dir += '/' # Read the MUSCLES spectrum spec = fits.getdata(reference_spectra_dir + f'hlsp_muscles_multi_multi_{host_star_name}_broadband_' f'{vnumber}_adapt-const-res-sed.fits', 1) if truncate_wavelength_grid: mask = spec['WAVELENGTH'] * u.AA <, equivalencies=u.spectral()) else: mask = np.ones(spec.shape, dtype='bool') spectrum = {'wavelength': spec['WAVELENGTH'][mask], 'flux_lambda': spec['FLUX'][mask] * conv * semi_major_axis ** (-2), 'wavelength_unit': u.AA, 'flux_unit': u.erg / u.s / / / u.AA} return spectrum
[docs] def make_spectrum_from_file(filename, units, path='', skiprows=0, scale_flux=1.0, star_distance=None, semi_major_axis=None): """ Construct a dictionary containing an input spectrum from a text file. The input file must have two or more columns, in which the first is the wavelength or frequency bin center and the second is the flux per bin of wavelength or frequency. The code automatically figures out if the input spectra are binned in wavelength or frequency based on the units the user passes. Parameters ---------- filename : ``str`` Name of the file containing the spectrum data. units : ``dict`` Units of the spectrum. This dictionary must have the entries ``'wavelength'`` and ``'flux'``, or ``'frequency'`` and ``'flux'``. The units must be set in ``astropy.units``. path : ``str``, optional Path to the spectrum data file. skiprows : ``int``, optional Number of rows to skip corresponding to the header of the input text file. scale_flux : ``float``, optional Scaling factor for flux. Default value is 1.0 (no scaling). star_distance : ``float`` or ``None``, optional Distance to star in unit of parsec. This is used to scale the flux as observed from Earth to the semi-major axis of the planet. If ``None``, no scaling is applied. If not ``None``, then a value``semi_major_axis`` must be provided as well. Default is ``None``. semi_major_axis : ``float`` or ``None``, optional Semi-major axis of the planet in unit of au. This is used to scale the flux as observed from Earth to the semi-major axis of the planet. Notice that this parameter is different from the ``generate_muscles_spectrum()`` function, which uses the semi-major axis in unit of stellar radii. If ``None``, no scaling is applied. If not ``None``, then a value``star_distance`` must be provided as well. Default is ``None``. Returns ------- spectrum : ``dict`` Spectrum dictionary with entries for the wavelength and flux, and their units. """ spectrum_table = np.loadtxt(path + filename, usecols=(0, 1), skiprows=skiprows, dtype=float) try: x_axis = 'wavelength' x_axis_unit = units.pop(x_axis) y_axis = 'flux_lambda' except KeyError: x_axis = 'frequency' x_axis_unit = units.pop(x_axis) y_axis = 'flux_nu' y_axis_unit = units.pop('flux') conv_pc_to_au = 206264.8062471 # Conversion from pc to au if star_distance is not None and semi_major_axis is not None: scale_to_planet = \ (star_distance * conv_pc_to_au / semi_major_axis) ** (-2) else: scale_to_planet = 1.0 spectrum = {x_axis: spectrum_table[:, 0], y_axis: spectrum_table[:, 1] * scale_flux * scale_to_planet, '{}_unit'.format(x_axis): x_axis_unit, 'flux_unit': y_axis_unit} return spectrum