
p-winds requires the packages numpy, scipy, astropy, and flatstar for running its core calculations.

Option 1: Using pip (stable version)

Simply run the following command:

pip install p-winds

Option 2: Compile from source (development version)

First, clone the repository and navigate to it:

git clone && cd p-winds

And then compile p-winds from source:

python install

You can test the installation from source with pytest (you may need to install pytest first):

pytest tests

Download reference spectra and set environment variable

If you want to use the function tools.generate_muscles_spectrum() or tools.standard_spectrum(), you will need to download the reference data separately and set the environment variable $PWINDS_REFSPEC_DIR. For your convenience, you can download all spectra supported by p-winds in this compressed file.

After unzipping the compressed file, move the fits files to a path of your choosing; in this example, I will use the path /$HOME/Data/p-winds_reference_spectra. Next, set an environment variable $PWINDS_REFSPEC_DIR that points to this path; this is done by running the following code in the command line:

export PWINDS_REFSPEC_DIR="$HOME/Data/p-winds_reference_spectra"

If you do not want to set this environment variable every time you start a new session, you can add this line to your Record Columnar file (or rc) in your user folder. Usually, this file is ~/.bashrc if you use the bash shell, or ~/.zshrc if you use the z-shell.